P.E. Uniform Purchase
All students enrolled in P.E. at Muirlands will need to change into P.E. uniforms each day for class. P.E. uniforms can be purchased throughout the year in two ways:
Online from the Muirlands Foundation's Online Store. When purchasing online, if you do not know your student’s ID number when adding an item to your cart, write “unknown” in the box to continue the check-out process. Items purchased online will NOT be shipped to you and must be picked up in-person at Muirlands. Any online orders placed over the summer can also be picked up at the front office.
Venmo orders to @MuirlandsTreasurer. In Venmo notes, please enter your Child’s full name (LAST NAME FIRST) & item name, quantity and size. Prices: PE Shirt $9.00, PE Shorts $10.00, PE Sweatshirt $12.00. Items purchased via Venmo must be picked up in-person at Muirlands.
P.E. uniforms can be purchased, picked-up, or exchanged in the Muirlands front office beginning on the second day of school. For more information, visit the P.E. page on the Muirlands website
How often do students take P.E.? Every day.
Do they need a lock for P.E.? No, the PE locker already has a lock on it.
Can they shower after P.E.? No.
When do students start wearing P.E. uniforms? Probably during of the 2nd week of school. Teachers will publicize this information to the students.
Should I write my name on my P.E. uniforms? Yes, you can write (or re-write) your student’s name on their uniform per the preferred guidelines set by the P.E. teachers. PLEASE FOLLOW LABELLING INSTRUCTIONS! Additional information about P.E. clothing and labeling can be found here.
Additionally, P.E. teachers will give specific instructions on the first day of class regarding when to bring P.E. uniform and other information.