esplash advertising
THE MUIRLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL WEEKLY ESPLASH is owned and managed by the Muirlands Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. As such, content for emails will be at the sole discretion of the Muirlands Foundation. Signing up for emails is optional and open to the public. Currently, there are over 2,000 subscribers. Consistent with the Muirlands Foundation Mission Statement, all school events, programs and important information will be included on an as-needed basis. This publication is not affiliated with Muirlands Middle School or San Diego Unified School District.
Items that may be included are:
1. FREE off-campus programs offered to Muirlands Middle School students or parents that are educational or support healthy living (does not include 'free try-outs' for sport teams that will eventually charge money).
2. Before or after school programs that are held on campus directly after school and offered ONLY to Muirlands Middle School students. These programs must be educational or support healthy living and may be free or for a fee.
3. On or off-campus fundraisers sponsored by the Muirlands Foundation.
4. A paid advertisement. The Muirlands Foundation reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. Only businesses, events or items that are appropriate for a middle school publication will be considered for a paid advertisement.
Please note – According to state law, Muirlands Middle School MAY NOT have a sports team unless it is free to all students therefore all sport teams and clubs that charge a fee and do not fit under category 2 above will have to pay for an ad to be included in the eSplash. We apologize for any inconvenience.
How to submit content:
If your business, program or event is consistent with numbers 1, 2 or 3 above, please submit content to communications@muirlandsfoundation.org. Deadline for the weekly Tuesday eSplash is Sunday at noon. Solo eblasts are at the sole discretion of the Muirlands Foundation and usually reserved for school functions only.
If your business, program or event does NOT fall under one of the first three categories, then a fee will be charged for advertising to over 2,000 Muirlands students and parents. Please pay through our online system below or by clicking here and then submit content to communications@muirlandsfoundation.org played by following the payment link below