Sign up for eSplash our weekly newsletter sent out every Tuesday during the school year.
Additional solo eBlasts will be sent on an as-needed basis.
To learn about Advertising in our weekly eSplash, please click here.
To learn how to submit an item for the eSplash, please click here.
Please also add eSplash/eBlast "from" email address communications@muirlandsfoundation.org to your email Contacts/Address Book. Including the Foundation's "from" email address in the Contacts/Address Book will "whitelist" our emails and help prevent spam filters from stopping them.
MMS eSplash/eBlast Process and Guidelines
Weekly eSplash Newsletter:
Our weekly eSplash Newsletter is emailed to the school community each Tuesday.
Please submit newsletter requests to communications@muirlandsfoundation.org no later than the previous Friday and include ‘For eSplash’ in the email subject line.
All content must be emailed to communications@muirlandsfoundation.org no later than noon on Sunday.
A draft of the eSplash will be prepared and emailed on Monday morning to the Principal, other reviewers and everyone requesting something to be included in the eSplash. Please reply promptly with any comments (by Monday evening).
Unless you request changes, the announcement will stay the same from one week to another. It’s a good idea to change it up if it will run for longer than 2 weeks.
Single Subject (“Solo”) eBlasts:
In addition to our Tuesday eSplash Newsletter, we send occasional solo eBlasts. Items suitable for solo eBlasts:
Larger events: LJAWF, Muirlands Rocks, Cluster parent education presentations, etc.
Muirlands Gives;
Important school business: back-to-school info, promotion;
Emergency/Important announcements: school closures, messages from the Principal, etc.
2. We do not use solo eBlasts for things that should have gone in the eSplash newsletter but were not submitted in time.
3. Please request a solo eBlast by emailing communications@muirlandsfoundation.org at least one week ahead of time. Please include ‘For solo eBlast’ in the email subject line. Send all content to communications@muirlandsfoundation.org at least three days before your eBlast is scheduled to be sent. You will receive a draft of the eBlast for your approval before it is sent to the school community. Please review and reply promptly.
4. All eBlasts are subject to review by the Principal.