Dear Parents,
Muirlands Foundation is dedicated to supporting excellence in teaching and learning. Our annual giving campaign raises funds required to sustain programs, staffing, equipment, supplies and initiatives that enhance the middle school experience for our students. Please help us meet our goal of $100,000 this year!
We depend on and greatly appreciate your generosity and annual participation in the Muirlands Gives campaign. Thanks to your contributions, Muirlands Foundation can support our children by providing the following benefits:
Funding for a teacher position to minimize unforeseen student schedule changes
Purchase and replacement of lunch tables, umbrellas and benches for students
Software licenses to support student learning
Quality professional development opportunities for teachers
Teacher grants for classroom needs
Planners and instructional supplies for all students
Project Wisdom curriculum to support Social Emotional Learning
Grade level recognition and celebrations
Maintain classroom emergency supply kits and Health and Safety supplies
After-school homework assistance available at no cost for all students
After-school clubs and activities for students
Speaker series for students and parents
Campus beautification projects
Annual maintenance of Raptor security check-in system
Muirlands Rocks
Please consider a gift of ANY SIZE! We hope to achieve 100% PARTICIPATION this year. The suggested donation is $500 PER CHILD. All gifts will be acknowledged on our eSplash donor list.
Ways to give:
Online by clicking here
Venmo @MuirlandsTreasurer
Check made payable to Muirlands Foundation and sent to:
Attn: Muirlands Gives/Muirlands Foundation
1056 Nautilus Street, La Jolla, CA 92037
(Please include the name by which to be recognized and your email address for the tax letter)
On behalf of the Muirlands Foundation -THANK YOU!
Sonal Patel, Annual Giving Campaign Chair